

In Terraform there are four errors which you might encounter and need to troubleshoot:

1. Language Errors

Terraform encounters a syntax error in you configuration for the Terraform or HCL Language

To trouble shoot a language error, you can run one of several commands:

2. State Errors

The state of your remote resources has changed from the expected state in your configuration file

To troubleshoot a language error, you can run one of several commands:

3. Core and Providers Errors

Either a bug has occured with the core library or A provider’s API has changed or does not work as expected due to emerging edge cases

To troubleshoot a core or provider error, you can:

Debugging in Terraform

Terraform has detailed logs that you can enable by setting the TF_LOG environment variable to any value. Enabling this setting causes detailed logs to appear on stderr.

You can set TF_LOG to one of the log levels (in order of decreasing verbosity) TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN or ERROR to change the verbosity of the logs.

Setting TF_LOG to JSON outputs logs at the TRACE level or higher, and uses a parseable JSON encoding as the formatting.

Debugging Documentation

Logging can be enabled separately for TF_LOG_CORE and TF_LOG_PROVIDER if you’d like to selectively enable it. Setting the path for logging output is done using the TF_LOG_PATH environment variable.

If terraform crashes, a log file is saved with the debug logs from the session as well as the panic message and backtrace to a file called: crash.log