
Terraform Cloud

Terraform Cloud is an application that helps teams use Terraform together. You can read more about it on their docs:



Terraform Cloud API

API Tokens

Terraform Cloud supports three types of API Tokens: User, Team, and Organization.


Cost Estimation

Cost Estimation is a feature available in Terraform Cloud (>=Team,Governance plan). It is only for specific cloud resources provided by AWS, Azure, and GCP.

Organization-Level Permissions

Organization-Level permissions allow you to manage access to resources and settings across an organization.

Private Registry

Terraform Cloud allows you to publish private modules for your organization within the Terraform Cloud Private Registry. The publishing workflow inside of it supports:

All users in an organization can view its’ private module registry. To Authenticate users you should create a user or team token and scope it per your requirements.


Migrating Default Local State

To migrate a local Terraform project to Terraform Cloud:

  1. Create a workspace in Terraform Cloud
  2. Replace your Terraform Configuration with a remote backend:

     terraform {
       cloud {
         hostname     = "app.terraform.io"
         organization = "my-org"
         workspace {
           name = "my-workspace"
  3. Run terraform init, and following the prompts for migrating your state to the new backend.

Workspace-Level Permissions

Workspace-Level permissions allow you to manage access to resources and settings for a workspace.

Fixed Permission Sets

These are pre-made permissions which you can use to quickly assign members of a workspace granular access to functionality

Terraform Cloud Run Workflows

Terraform projects go into a Workspace, when you create one you are prompted to select one of three workflows:

  1. UI/VCS Driven:
    • Terraform cloud will be configured with a specific branch in you VCS via webhooks
    • Whenever pull requests are submitted for the branch a speculative plan is generated
    • Whenever a merge occurs to that branch, then a run is triggered on Terraform Cloud
  2. API-Driven:
    • Workspaces are not directly associated with a VCS repo, and runs are not driven by webhooks on the VCS provider
    • A third-party tool or system will trigger runs via the upload of a configuration file using the Terraform Cloud API
    • The configuration file is a bash script that is packaged in an archive (.tar.gz) which you are pushing as a configuration version
  3. CLI-Driven
    • Runs are triggered by the user running terraform CLI commands locally on their own machine

Workspace Creation Menu


Run Environment

When Terraform Cloud executes your terraform plan it runs them in its own Run Environment.

A run environment is a Virtual Machine (VM) or container intended for the execution that inside of Terraform Cloud acts as a build server for provisioning you remote infrastructure resources.

Terraform Cloud will inject the following environment variables automatically on each run:

Terraform Cloud Agents

Cloud Agents is a paid feature of the Business plan to allow Terraform Cloud to communicate with isolated, private, or on-premise infrastructure. The agent architecture is pull-based, so no inbound connectivity is required, any agent you provision will poll terraform cloud for work and carry out execution of that work locally.