
Team Workflows

As a team and its requirements grow, its publishing workflow will evolve. Below is a workflow for which teams may start off producing infrastructure-as-code:

The Terraform workflow has three steps:

  1. Write - Author infrastructure as code
  2. Plan - Preview change before applying them
  3. Apply - Provision reproducible infrastructure

Individual Practitioner

  1. Write
    • Write configuration in editor of choice
    • Store configuration in a version-control system (GitHub, GitLab, etc.)
    • Repeatedly run terraform plan and terraform validate to find syntax errors
    • Maintain a tight feedback-loop between editing configuration and running test commands
  2. Plan
    • When the developer is confident with their work in their write step they can commit their code to the repository
  3. Apply
    • They will run terraform apply and be prompted to review their plan
    • After their final review they will approve the changes and await provisioning
    • After a successful provision they will push their local commits (as the statfile has been created/updated) to the remote repository


  1. Write
    • Each team member writes code locally on their machine
    • Each team member stores their code in separate branches
    • Branches will allow an opportunity to resolve conflict when changes are merged to the main branch
    • terraform plan can be used as a quick feedback loop for small teams
    • For larger teams credentials may need to be managed
      • A CI/CD process can be setup to store those in its running environment, team members can push to their branch on a frequent basis to run terraform plan inside of it.
  2. Plan
    • When a branch is ready to be incorporated, a pull request can be made with the Execution Plan generated and displayed in the changes for review.
  3. Apply
    • To apply the changes the merge should be approved to kick off the build server that runs the terraform apply command

Operation Concerns

Terraform Cloud (#AD)

Terraform Cloud can streamline the CI/CD effort from the previous structure and includes several features for securing builds and making your infrastructure code auditable.

  1. Write
    • A team will use Terraform Cloud as their remote backend
    • Input variables will be stored on it, instead of local machines
    • Terraform Cloud integrates with your VCS to quickly setup a CI/CD pipeline
    • Team members can write code to their branch and commit normally
  2. Plan
    • A pull request is created by a team member and Terraform Cloud will generate the speculative plan for review in the VCS. Teams can review and comment on the plan in Terraform Cloud
  3. Apply
    • After the pull request is merged, Terraform Cloud’s runtime environment will perform the terraform apply and a team member will be able to confirm and apply the changes